Terms & Conditions Of Boarding


Terms and Conditions of Boarding

1. I agree for a veterinarian to be called on my behalf should my cat take ill.  I will supply my veterinarian details but if they are not local will accept an alternative veterinarian being used. I agree to pay the vet fees in full, as well as any costs incurred by Springfield Cattery Ltd (e.g. mileage costs/staff wages/out of hours’ costs). 

2. I consent for my pets to be housed together in the same pen if specified. If Springfield Cattery Ltd staff feel that the cats are stressed or unhappy sharing a pen, then I agree that the animals can be separated, and separate pen prices will be paid for from the date of separation. 

3. I can confirm that my pet is fully up to date with vaccinations, worming and flea treatments, and can provide the record card as evidence. If I am unable to bring the vaccination card, I agree to the staff of Springfield Cattery Ltd calling my named vets to confirm that the vaccinations are up to date. 

4. I can confirm that I have divulged all of my pets’ relevant health information, including any pre-existing conditions, and I have advised on any special care or medication required to manage the condition(s). If medication is supplied, it will be clearly labelled as to the frequency and dosage to be administered as per my vets’ instructions. If any medication is not veterinary prescribed, I accept full responsibility for any risks associated with the administration of non-veterinary prescribed aids. I accept an extra fee may be payable for administration of medicines or injections and I agree to pay this on collection. 

5. I understand that I leave my pets bedding, toys, collar and all other belongings at my own risk. I understand that Springfield Cattery Ltd will store these items as safely as possible but cannot be responsible for damage or loss of possessions. (e.g. being chewed by my pet, damage in washing machine). 

6. I agree to pay the boarding fee in full, on collection of my pet. This includes the daily boarding rate for the duration of my booking regardless of an early departure as well as any vet bills incurred during my pets stay. If my pet is collected in the afternoon, I am aware I will be charged for this day. If there are insufficient funds in my account for cheques received, I agree to pay any bank charges incurred as a result of this to Springfield Cattery Ltd.

7. In the case of male cats – I can confirm that my cat has been neutered.

8. If I supply my own food, I agree to provide a sealable container with instructions on how much is to be fed and how often, including my pets name too. I understand that if my pet becomes ill or has diarrhoea, my pet may be given alternative bland foods until it is well again. 

9. I agree that if I require my animal collecting or returning, I will be charged depending on the distance and time required. This amount will be agreed at the time of booking and will be added to the boarding fees on collection. 

10. I accept that my pet may be refused boarding if they appear to show signs of contagious infection or parasites (fleas, ticks etc.) on arrival, if they are deemed unsuitable for boarding (due to physical state, age or disability) or if they are overly aggressive to staff at Springfield Cattery Ltd. If my pet becomes unsuitable for boarding during their stay, I agree to arrange for removal of my pet as soon as possible. 

11. In the event of a cancellation of the booking being made, I need to give 48 hours’ notice prior to the booking commencing in non-peak times and at least a months’ notice during peak times* or I will be liable for the entire booking cost. I understand that any deposits paid are non-refundable after 30 days despite any notice given for cancellation. *please note that peak times refers to the school holiday periods and notification of cancellation must be given a month before date of arrival regardless of the date of making the booking. 

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